


 Improving Patient Care in Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis: a Global Perspective

Alan Irvine, MD, DSc
Professor of Dermatology
Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland

Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD
Waldman Professor and System Chair
The Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman Department of Dermatology 
Director, Center of Excellence in Eczema 
Director, Laboratory of Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Peter Lio, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Director, Chicago Integrative Eczema Center
Chicago, Illinois, United States

Melinda Gooderham, MD, MSc, FRCP
Assistant Professor
Queens University
Medical Director
SKiN Centre for Dermatology Investigator with Probity Medical Research
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Robert Sidbury, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Chief, Division of Dermatology
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle, Washington, United States

Jacob Thyssen, MD, PhD
Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Bispebjerg Hospital
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

MEDuLiTe | 中等症から重症のアトピー性皮膚炎における患者ケアの改善 ~グローバルな視点から~ (